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Recon 701

“There are times when military organizations find themselves in a moment of historical significance. This book captures such an event – the capture of Saddam Hussein. The story is told through the eyes of the troopers on the ground working with Army Special Operations Forces. From home station training, deployment, ambushes, and the capture of a dictator, readers will get a glimpse of war in Iraq during the initial stages in 2003. Packed with vivid descriptions, Soldier level challenges, and lessons learned, future leaders will gain a better understanding of how to prepare for and conduct small unit operations in combat. This is a book you must read if you ever have to serve in combat. I lived through many of the experiences described in the book and yet, I could not put the book down.”

— Lt. General (Ret) Donald Campbell
1BCT CO and Chief of Staff – 4ID – OIF I

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