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Lawrence Wood “Chip” Robert, Jr.  was a hero who left behind countless legacies. He lived by values and high ethical standards as relevant in the present as they were in the past.

After sailing through Georgia Tech, Chip began his professional career as an engineer. By the mid-1920’s, he was an industrial tycoon.

He founded “Robert and Company,” destined to become one of the largest and most prominent architectural and engineering companies in the world.

Chip was called by many titles. He was the ‘best deal maker in the nation,’ the friend and confidant of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ‘Roosevelt’s Right-Hand man’. He was the force behind the National Recovery Act. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Democratic National Committee, and the founder and Executive Director of the Southern Governors’ Conference.

He was also a confidant, right-hand man, and envoy of President Truman, and one of the lead delegates in the reconstruction of Europe, the Marshall Plan.

This is the story of Lawrence Wood “Chip” Robert, Jr. — the friend and confidant, the right-hand man, the envoy, for two US Presidents — Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.

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